Football or Soccer is considered as one of the most popular sports in the world.
Everyone enjoys a nice, power-packed football game. Who does not? For the kids and young, this sport itself is challenging. But with play and fun come injuries. Now, parents won’t have to stress over major or even minor rain injuries on head or brain for their football playing children thanks to HitGard, a sport wearable for football/soccer fans.
It is quite significant to have protection around your neck or head while playing football, especially for children. The risk gets bigger everyday if young kids play these high-impact sports without a covering or protection. Any injury on brain in young age can be fatal.
That is the reason Baytech Products has decided to come up with an invention. HitGard is the result of the company’s excessive brainstorming. It is a football helmet designed for children aged 5-13.
HitGard is built of a two-piece “soft” shell. The material or the covering is soft that is why it is change from the helmet regular football players wear. The professional helmet is just in one-piece, heavy and is made of very hard shell.
This helmet is also 30% lighter than the normal helmet. The less weight factor is important because it reduces the strain of weight on kid’s head. This, again, is an important factor in protecting brain and skull injuries.
Most of the helmets available nowadays only prevent linear acceleration. HitGard is manufactured in such a way that it will reduce the potential danger of rotational acceleration of the brain. It means that, like other helmets, which only protect your head from straight line injuries which cause linear movement of the brain with skull, SkiGard protect the wearers from rotational and other improper-angled hits. Such types of irregular and out-of-the line hits are responsible for some very serious head injuries.
The shell of the helmet is made up of two parts. A mentioned above, the upper section is soft but rigid at the same time, while, the bottom part is the common hard plastic.
The company’s website mentions:
“Utilizing a unique head harness system, the wearer’s head is “anchored” inside the lower section by a breakthrough material that has been tested to absorb up to 90% of energy when impacted at high strain rates.”
You must be thinking that this is not a wearable device but instead just a good helmet and that is why we think this product is of top quality. It has built a solid helmet and used sensors only where it made sense. We think it is a perfect example of using the sensors and wearable appropriately. It has a brain sentry, a revolutionary helmet-mounted sensor that flashes red when an athlete suffers an unusually rapid acceleration of the head. Also, all the portions of the shell are attached by for different elastic struts. Â The struts will enable the helmet to move in any direction when stuck from the blow, thus, in return saving your head.
No other availability and pricing details have been specified for the product yet.
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[…] about your child getting serious head injuries during his/her favorite game “Football”. Young football players can now wear this smart helmet for their protection. HitGard is exclusive for the protection of the skull of the children during games like soccer and […]