Home Insights News Whoop Expands into Healthcare

Whoop Expands into Healthcare


Whoop, formerly known for its biometric tracker for athletes is expanding its technology beyond the realm of sports and, entering into the arena of healthcare technology.

Whoop’s device among many others is going to be used in a 4-week research on type 1 diabetics. The aforementioned research is being carried out by Evidation Health and Tidepool, a health data company and, a non-profit organization providing easily accessible data for type 1 diabetics, respectively.

By using Whoop’s activity tracker, Emfit’s sleep monitor and, continuous glucose monitor by Dexcom, the researchers plan to study how overnight glucose levels affect the subsequent day’s activities, moods and, heart rates of the patients.

“Linking real-world data from connected devices with other medical data in virtual studies allow us to measure how behaviors—outside of the doctor’s office or hospital—affect health and impact outcomes,” stated Evidation Health CEO Deborah Kilpatrick.

This partnership is using Evidation Health’s data platform, which surveys behaviour and, sensor data on a large scale via an evergrowing list of at least 100 authentic data sources which includes names like Applewatch, Dexcom and, Fitbit.

Sports Wearable Takeaway

Wearable devices like Fitbit and Apple Watch are now more into healthcare and upping their game by increasingly participating in healthcare researches and studies. Only last week along with its new iPhone launch, Apple announced a significant advancement in the Apple Watch by incorporating in it an ECG monitor which is approved by FDA.

On the other hand, Fitbit is taking part in a 12-month long study headed by Scripps Research Institute, along with teaming up with Google in assisting to incorporate user data to the health care system gathered by Google’s Cloud Healthcare API.

Whereas, Whoop has received a huge investment from NFLPA and is currently being used to track player performances all throughout NFL. The Whoop Strap 2.0 was used to track the effects of the injuries, travelling, rest etc on the recovery period of a player and to optimize their performance and to keep them from being disabled. Whoop’s use in the upcoming study along with Apple and Fitbit marks the beginning of more achievements to come in the healthcare business.