Wear Your Climate With “Wendu”


Wearable tech is expanding as much as it can. From fitness, fashion, and security and to sports our lifestyle is immersed with the technology and wearables are the major shareholders. And, this is why it is the perfect time to introduce you to Wendu.

Wear Your Climate With "Wendu"

Wendu is the wearable capable of switching temperatures from 35 to 15 degrees Celsius in just a couple of minutes – that means you can be completely comfortable in just a few minutes! It is basically a t-shirt that can easily be temperature regulated with Smartphone, Tablet or a Smartwatch.  Anytime you feel hot, you can opt for it to cool and anytime it’s too cold, you can make it warm!

Wendu has been optimized not only for comfort but also durability and user’s convenience. The wearable tech product features a powerful battery that can last up to 5 days on a single charge. The t-shirt is also easy to care for, being washable and completely reusable.

Wear Your Climate With "Wendu"

All in all, Wendu is much like any t-shirt you love – comfortable and high quality, but with the added bonus of being able to keep you warm and cool as you please!

Wendu is currently in the prototype phase. The Company is excitedly uploading videos of the working prototypes and the benefits. The wearable is perfect for measuring the thermal conductivity. It can control the user’s temperature no matter in which condition they are. The t-shirt can suit athletes hoping to adjust in different weather conditions.

Wear Your Climate With "Wendu"

Wendu is currently up on Kickstarter with a discount Price of €89. The shipment is expected to begin in February 2017. You can back the product from here.


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