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The best wearable paying devices

Let your wearables roll out the payment for you!
Let your wearables roll out the payment for you!

Most of the people think that wearables are all about fitness tracking, health and well being or some cool or funky smart watch with trendy features. But there is this constantly expanding sea of wearables adding to them the features like paying from your wrist easily!

Who wish to have endless stops after their job time to pay this bill or that or to fiddle with this bank card or that bank card to pay off your long over-due bills? The newest technology has it all done. Now we have seamless devices; which; with one click can pay off your bills.

Just for your convenience we have made a complete list of the currently available best wearables that pay for themselves;


Jawbone UP4

UP4 is the redesigned version of the UP3 and it does not have much of changes. But the best has been added to it; which is enough to attract large customer base. Yes, we are talking about the American Express payments at participating retailers.

The exclusive payment option via UP4 is only available in US right now. The Amex card is authenticated through the Jawbaone application and you only need to swipe your wrist and whoosh you are done with your payments.

PRICE: $199.99



Apple Watch

Apple Watch, like all the other Apple devices, is enough popular that each and every one know clearly all of its details and functions. Apart from being the regular smart watch, it is also the payment device in the US and UK through Apple Pay.

The iPhone matched along with the watch will handle all the credit and debit card details and will also verify your authenticity while the Watch will get you through the payments.

PRICE: $349 and above



Lyle & Scott bPay jacket

Here comes the wearable for those who just aren’t in good terms with the wrists wearables! Lyle & Scott and Barclays have listened to you by releasing this astounding product. You have the NFC payment hidden right under your sleek jacket.

The payment bit is concealed under the jacket sleeve. You can use your debit or credit card from any bank across the whole UK to complete your transactions until you have that tiny masterpiece bPay inside your jacket.

PRICE: £150



Samsung Gear S2

Samsung has always been clever when announcing anything new apart from its mainstream gadgets and phones. When it launched Samsung Pay, it new that there must be something that should go with this new service, so yes, it announced Samsung Gear S2 with all its smart watch glory. It has the rotating bezel and a NFC chip which takes you easily through the payment and stuff.

You can use the Gear S2 (and Samsung Pay) with most new Android phones and additionally Samsung has also announced that iOS support is coming soon.

PRICE: $299.99


bPay BAND:

bpay band

If you want to take advantage of the Barclay’s payment system than chill you don’t have to opt for the LYLE & SCOTT bPay Jacket at all. Although Barclays, for its bPay band, has developed an app you can also register your card from the nearest bank.

The bPay is your very own local band which is available very cheaply. (Even your children can buy it from their pocket money). It can be used with around 300,000 retailers in the UK. Although it does not do anything else except handle mobile payments: you will have to pair a smart watch alongside it.

PRICE: £24.99


So, this is the list of the devices currently accessible in the market for easy payments and all. If you want to buy some piece of technology which can be of use rather than the occasional health tracking and smart watch showoff and all; than opt for these products because the payment option only comes in handy along with the other handful of features.

Note that the above list is not prioritized it is just for the information and you can choose for yourself from the above according to your taste and technology and the amount of price you want to spend.

And except these there are many new wearables in there prototype phase and others that are expected to launch soon which offers payment option as well. The devices which are expected in the near future include Sony Wena, Nymi Band and Alibaba Pay Watch etc.

So do you think that we are wrong when we claim that the future is very bright and shiny for the wearable industry? Do enlighten us in the comment section!

Kainaat Maqbool
Kainaat Maqbool
The writer is a student of journalism, pursuing her passion for writing. She is an avid reader and wants to be a novel writer or a fashion editor someday!

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