A Smart Ring With RFID Chip can replace your Wallet and House Keys! Simply a 3D printed ring with an RFID chip can enable the user to pay his utility bills, open a smart door or make it a health insurance card.
Smart rings are the gadgets of the future. Simple to use and carry and can incorporate a variety of features. Researchers at Fraunhofer Institute for Casting, Composite and Processing Technology (IGCV) have gone through extensive research and have come up with a multi-functional smart ring. The ring is produced by a 3D printing process and is integrated with an RFID chip, as mentioned earlier.
“Converting the hardware technology to allow electronic components to be integrated during the manufacturing process is unique,” Maximilian Binder, senior researcher at Fraunhofer IGCV, said in a statement.
This smart ring with RFID chip is built layer by layer. A little part of it is kept hollow where the electronics circuitry is embedded. Its design is unique and up-to-the-par and the best thing about the ring is it is multipurpose. It can keep track of your data like medical records, user’s blood group information, or drug intolerance details in case of emergency. Also, it can be used to open a smart door or pay the bills at a supermarket checkout counter.
The smart ring has a lot of applications in the health and wellness sector as well as in everyday life. Such gadgets are really useful for the elderly who might not be able to track their information or perform simple chores without supervision now. Hoping to see more of such gadgets to be introduced with even more advanced and better features.
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