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Is the price tag ruling Smart watch industry?

Cheap smartwatches rules!

Smartwatches have become an essential gadget or a device for anyone who can afford it. Even though some are not very expensive but the popular and the well-known ones come with a hefty price tag.

Smart watches are revolutionizing along with the time. There used to be an era when we cannot even imagine that someday we would be wearing “smart watch” instead of a “watch”. In the race to be classy and well fitted with the modern technology everyone is racing to buy up to date and luscious smart watches.

Majority thinks that Apple, Samsung and other such big manufacturing names are winning the sales race. De Facto, low price tag is the winner currently. Or simply, the watches with the lowest possible price but with enough specifications are winning. Who wish to have an Apple watch with a heavy price when you can buy a same features’ watch with much less price.

It’s not only me speaking; a new report from JeeQ Data, found by Phone Arena is giving testament to the above cited data. In order to find out statistics Phone Arena used the lists and the rankings from the famed smart watch selling sites like Best Buy and Amazon.

According to the report, the most heavily sold watches list in Q3 2015 on Amazon had, surprisingly, the Soyan 2014 U8 U Watch on the top. The watch is just priced at $20 and is a Chinese smart watch. Motorola Moto 360 bagged the second position while the third position for the most sold watch went to the original Pebble smart watch. The forth place went to Apple Watch.

When it comes to the brand which excelled in the sales field, Motorola and Pebble were the winners on the Amazon. The results look promising due to the releases of the Pebble Time Round and new Moto 360.

After Amazon the same research was also done at Best Buy and most of the results were same or pretty close. Motorola was the top seller with 27.93% of sales. Samsung stood second in the line with 26.30% while Fitbit went to third with and Pebble fourth with 17.17%.

These percentages are somewhat beneficial for Pebble and Fitbit and promise the winsome future while the same ratio and result were disappointing for Apple. Albeit, none of the stats can be considered as cent percent true but even if they are partially right; the accurate rankings won’t budge from the given positions lot.

Moreover, the stats from the duo of the best dealers reveal what we have been saying earlier that what matter most is the price! The brand and specifications are also appealing but price is what make people think for the second time before buying. And, when companies like Motorola and Pebble are offering same products in much less price than why go for Apple in the first place? How else could a $20 Chinese smartwatch dominate on Amazon if think price is not important?

Well! It’s up to the buyers and the current clients to think that what they want a low prized good watch or a goddy show-off?  With that in mind, I must tell that Samsung and Motorola both are preparing high-priced, high-design releases in the coming weeks. Let’s see what will happen with the future of both watches.


Kainaat Maqbool
Kainaat Maqbool
The writer is a student of journalism, pursuing her passion for writing. She is an avid reader and wants to be a novel writer or a fashion editor someday!

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