Sports Wearables are becoming a trend nowadays. From NBA, NFL, and to MLB, every other major league is trying to adopt the wearable tech for good. Now, it’s finally time for Rugby to get the exposure to it. This time around LiveSkin is trying to make an impact on the lives of the players. The wearable is basically designed for both American football and Rugby players.
LiveSkin is basically a set of wearable sensors, designed by Sansible Wearables, which can easily be fitted inside the shoulder pads of the players. The sensors can measure the force exerted and sustained by the shoulder muscle groups. This is necessary for getting to know how the players are adjusting and tackling the pressure with their bodies. After capturing the data, LiveSkin will be able to send it to the connected Apple Watch, Smartphone or tablet wirelessly. Users, coaches, players and medical team can then access the data and find out positive training methods and drills for the players. Physiotherapists can also design rehabilitation programs for the players if they recovered from an injury.
Sansible Wearables, the Scottish startup behind the product hopes that players would use LiveSkin during games and leagues on a larger scale in the next 12-18 months. They also hope that the sensors would be able to make their place in grassroots sports initiatives including the RFU’s All Schools program.
Founder of the company, Jack Ng, explained that LiveSkin is very different from the other Sports wearables available for the players and the teams throughout the world. In a statement, he said that;
“Although wearables are already used in sports, our product is doing something very different: measuring force.” He further stated; “There is a real gap in the market for a system which can accurately understand and communicate how impact relates to different athletes, at different times and, ultimately, the outcome of a game. Unsurprisingly, contact sports, like rugby and American football, are the likeliest to adopt it and see the big results.”
This isn’t the first time any product is intending to hit the major leagues and teams. However, the introduction of LiveSkin can be important and significant for the Rugby and American Football Players.