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FITGuard – Sport wearable to measure concussion force

Injuries are pretty common across sports however, some injuries are more serious than others and concussion is one of them. For those who are not familiar with this term, concussion is the sudden but short-lived loss of mental function that occurs after a blow or other injury to the head.

We at sports wearable have always tried to keep our readers up to date on how technology is helping reduce concussion risk. Few months back, we talked about JoltSensor, a wearable for only $100 to help diagnose concussion impact and HitGuard designed for young players. fitguard-new-2xWe also mentioned the work Invensense is doing on sensors to help detect concussion.

FitGuard is the latest addition to sports wearable designed to help measure and prevent serious concussion related injuries.

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Fitguard is a basically a smart mouth-guard. It detects the severity of the concussion and uses LED light embedded inside the wearable to indicate the intensity of the force. The green light indicates low intensity, blue means moderate and red signifies high severity which may force the coach to substitute the player immediately.


Apart from LED indication, it also links up with an app to provide coach or parent with real-time insight into the injury and the impact. The app also have a feature to create player profile with information like weight, gender and age to better calculate the risk. The data is also uploaded to a central database that company promises will be used to improve the indication level and threshold as the user community grow.

With all the benefits, the product is not very expensive either. It can be ordered from company for $129 USD but the company is ramping up its distribution network to attract universities, teams, leagues directly for $100. The company is also taking an extra step to educate insurance companies to make sure insurance premier is low for those who have this device.

Ali Yaqoob
Ali Yaqoobhttps://www.sportswearable.net
Passionate about transforming data into science!

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