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Best Technology for Managers and Coaches (Performance) – Sports Technology Awards, 2017

Sports Technology Awards has always revealed the Sports Technology Power List. The big news is that the shortlist for 2017 sports technology awards is out. Over 70 sports were represented and submissions were received from over 30 countries from all over the world. The standards were as high as ever but even more international and varied.

Nineteen known categories were listed in the previous introductory article on Sports Technology Awards, 2017.

Among those categories, following are the best technologies for managers and coaches (performances) which were nominated in Sports Technology Awards, 2017:

App Colony with Hockey Canada:

Hockey Canada has been producing the best players and coaches in the world for over 100 years. Teams at all levels have on-demand access to videos, training plans, articles and much more, with Hockey Canada Network. It is a modern approach to player development and it’s helping many coaches in communities around the world.

DNA fit:

DNA fit has totally changed the way you think about fitness and nutrition forever. It helps in nurturing your nature, using extensive experience in elite sports performance. It helps you in being the best you can be, with unique genetic insights.

Force Decks:

It is a game changing technology for improving elite sports performance. ForceDecks platforms are used by training, sports science and medical practitioners to monitor and improvise the aspects of neuromuscular performance which underpin the sporting performance of elite athletes.

i1 Biometrics – Athlete Intelligence:

The new Athlete Intelligence platform exposes the invisible data which surrounds every athlete giving coaches and athletic trainers the ability to transfer what happens on the field. Moreover, it helps coaches build strategies around the tactics which win games.

SAP Sports Suite:

SAP Sports One, the cloud based solution for athletics are renowned worldwide for its outstanding achievements in product design.

Sports Performance Tracking:

Sports Performance Tracking is a technology company which provides coaches and athletes at the amateur level the ability to track, monitor and measure all levels of performance and improvement, to see which athlete truly outwork the others. Using GPS system, amateur athlete could easily wear the tracking device on their chest throughout the game time, allowing them to hide the device underneath their uniforms.

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