Train Smarter And Workout Better With FORM Collar


FORM Lifting has come up with FORM Collar. A new device to revolutionize the way you lift with game-changing, real time feedback. Every rep, every workout. Every time is valuable with the help of this device!

The FORM collar is the first smart device to help you improve both the form and performance of all barbell lifts. It allows you to receive instant and accurate feedback via the FORM Lifting app with innovative metrics to help improve lift speed, strength, and safety.

Train Smarter And Workout Better With FORM Collar

Moreover, you can reference back to a single lift or an entire session with cloud-based storage and track your progress over time to drive your performance to new levels. Improve your technique and identify strength imbalances by fine-tuning specific parts of your lifts that were previously immeasurable.

The FORM collar delivers metrics that truly matter when lifting to give you a more objective indicator of performance than a one rep max. It analyzes velocity, force production, acceleration and more to give you helpful insights into when to push and when to back off your training. Additionally, get a real-time data visualizations to maximize power output for every session.

Train Smarter And Workout Better With FORM Collar

The FORM collar can be best used by Olympic lifters to get metrics on individual parts of the Snatch and Clean & Jerk. The Olympians can improve their technique by fine tuning their first to second pull transition, hip drive, and speed underneath the bar all while increasing your explosiveness for squats and accessory lifts. With Rio Olympics 2016, around the corner what wearable could be more suitable than this one?!

Moreover, the device can be utilized for proper training and weightlifting practices by power lifters, fitness lovers, and for better performance in many other sports. The best part about the FORM Collar is that it can also be used by coaches. You can your create custom training programs, measure player improvements, and ignite competition in the weight room with the FORM Coaching Platform which is about to be released soon.

Train Smarter And Workout Better With FORM Collar

What’s more is that the trainers and coaches can stay remotely connected to their athletes all the time. Get unbiased, unfiltered feedback on each of their training sessions to maximize your coaching effectiveness. If you usually use video analysis on your athletes, back it up with real data. With in-app video capture, you will soon be able to visually dissect your athletes’ lifts with side-by-side metrics to back it up.

The FORM Collar has battery life up to 5 hours. A 15 minute charge will take up to 2 hours of lifting session. That’s pretty much great! The athletes’ package is available for $249 for one collar with a free Smartphone app and online analysis. The coaches’ package is priced at 224 per collar (3+) with multiple collars along with the ability to train multiple athletes and the free app for all.

Train Smarter And Workout Better With FORM Collar

The FORM Collar has been used and appreciated by many professional athletes and coaches. It is reliable and has features that were long missing from the fitness and wearable industry. It has the ability to train sports professionals and athletes like a pro!


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